
Saturday, April 27, 2013


I love the band "My Chemical Romance" they recently said that there done making music. Well a 30 year-old guy who was once in the band in the beginning got kicked out for his lack of performance.

That was 10 years ago.

After the news of them ending came out he tweeted "Finally. I can sleep peacefully now"

obviously fans were pretty upset about that. But I talked to him and said that he could let go and forgive them. It was a while ago. People make mistakes.

He replied "Somethings can't be forgiven"

The thing that annoyed me the most is that all that happened was he got kicked out. They might have been rude or mean about it but that's all.

I met a friend who her parents tried to abort her. She was abused all throughout her young life and was severally depressed because of it. There's a lot more to it but that's all I'm gonna say.

Well she is 18 and she has completely forgiven her parents for what they've done. Her mom doesn't want to see her but she doesn't care. She still loves her and tries to help her.

My thing is. If she can forgive that, than he can forgive being kicked out of a band.

Nothing is unforgivable. You have a choice.

Sincerely, the girl with a complex mind.

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