
Monday, April 29, 2013


It's hard for me to stay mad at people that I care about. Even if they did or said something very wrong and hurtful.

They way I look at people is, they all have a good side to them. And they all have hurts.

Whether minor or big.
Those hurts stick with you and your subconscious mind acts a certain way to make sure that, that hurt doesn't happen again. Like a barrier.

So when people act out to me or something I do get upset or mad but instead of blowing a top and arguing with them, I sit there and talk to them. Tell them how that was rude or mean and explain to them how they can fix it.

People do they things they do for a reason. It can be because of the past or a current situation.

We have to be there for them to help them and get them on the right path.

Sincerely, the girl with a complex mind.

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