
Monday, June 17, 2013


Sometimes, people greatly annoy me. Now, I don't usually rant because I feel like it's complaining and no one wants to see or read that.
But sometimes, I do, I just feel like sometimes I have so many thoughts and annoyances that I need to let out.

Right now my frustration is on many things. And whenever I am frustrated I usually draw, listen to music, or write. Each are my way of expressing myself.
What I am currently, getting tired of is the fact that since I am only 16, people see me as naive and think, my choices and ways, are stupid and illogical.

Like how I choose to wait for marriage to have sex. They usually say that times have changed and you should know what your partner is like in bed before you get married.

Umm, what?! Last time I checked, we CHOOSE to love someone. Not because he was good in bed...

And of course, I also get a lot "Trust me, by the time you're my age, you will want a boyfriend" I'm 16, you all have been saying that since I was 10, and I still have NO need for one. (Why do you want me to have one anyway???)

Then, the occasional "You're christian because your parents have forced their views on you"

Okay, I get that some parents do, do that, but mine never have. They asked me if I wanted too. They don't force me to go to Church or to believe in what they believe. They've always told me that I do have my own opinion and sometimes I might disagree with them and that's fine.

I totally see that they have been forcing their views on me... (Sarcasm)

And with that, I shall be leaving you with this

Sincerely, the girl with a complex mind.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Rhotacism, otherwise known as Elmer Fudd's voice

If you have heard my voice, then you most likely know that it's different and unique from the way other's speak. I recently figured out (Thanks for my love of twitter and following Fact accounts) That there's actually a name for it. It's called "Rhotacism"

Rhotacism is the inability or difficulty in pronouncing the sound R. The most common way, the way I do it, is pronouncing it as a W. The most difficult things is, I can in fact make the R sound, it's just my mind cannot tell the difference from me pronouncing the W from the R.

Of course, I pronounce it Whotacism. Oh, the irony of it.
(That's a fact jack!)

((Sorry, I had two Coffees. You can all thank MOR for that))


((Say's the girl who is talking to herself))

(...FINE! *Slams imaginary door*)


Back on topic.

As a girl who constantly got asked to repeat the sentence (Talking fast and a lack of R's, are not a good combination) When I was younger, and still to this day, I did become self conscious about it.
Also, playing Computer games and being constantly told that you are a 9 year old boy when in fact you were  a 12 year-old girl, didn't help much. I only had one person I knew that did make fun of me. And he quickly stopped ....after my brother had hit him.
(He knew I had a older brother telling him to stop. Yet, he didn't make the connection.)

But, I am 16 now and much has changed. I talk the same but I love it. It's unique and many people have told me how cute it is. There is day's where I wish I had a different voice or that I don't constantly trip over my words but I just reminds myself, I know no one else like this, And I'm the real life Elmer Fudd. (but a girl, obviously)

I have guns. Now, I need to go wabbit hunting.

So, I'm left handed and can't say my R's.
I'm freaking unique.

I like being out of the box.
because box's are small.
and you can't live in one...

Sincerely, the girl with a complex mind.