Rhotacism is the inability or difficulty in pronouncing the sound R. The most common way, the way I do it, is pronouncing it as a W. The most difficult things is, I can in fact make the R sound, it's just my mind cannot tell the difference from me pronouncing the W from the R.

Of course, I pronounce it Whotacism. Oh, the irony of it.
(That's a fact jack!)
((Sorry, I had two Coffees. You can all thank MOR for that))
((Say's the girl who is talking to herself))
(...FINE! *Slams imaginary door*)
Back on topic.
As a girl who constantly got asked to repeat the sentence (Talking fast and a lack of R's, are not a good combination) When I was younger, and still to this day, I did become self conscious about it.
Also, playing Computer games and being constantly told that you are a 9 year old boy when in fact you were a 12 year-old girl, didn't help much. I only had one person I knew that did make fun of me. And he quickly stopped ....after my brother had hit him.
(He knew I had a older brother telling him to stop. Yet, he didn't make the connection.)
But, I am 16 now and much has changed. I talk the same but I love it. It's unique and many people have told me how cute it is. There is day's where I wish I had a different voice or that I don't constantly trip over my words but I just reminds myself, I know no one else like this, And I'm the real life Elmer Fudd. (but a girl, obviously)
I have guns. Now, I need to go wabbit hunting.
So, I'm left handed and can't say my R's.
I'm freaking unique.
I like being out of the box.
because box's are small.
and you can't live in one...
Sincerely, the girl with a complex mind.
I love this blog! It made me laugh. I'm extremely proud of you. You are awesome! And I can't tons pend the rest of my life telling the world, "Ya, I gave birth to that." :-)
ReplyDeleteGreat blog and thanks for the reminder that we should all be proud of our uniqueness! Way to go girl!